Tips How to Reduce Cholesterol Content
Wednesday, June 30, 2010 | 8:52 PM | 0 comments

Here I wanted to shared about how to reduce cholesterol content on our body so follow these ways to reduce your risk on high content of cholesterol in blood.
1. eat healthy meals for the heart, such as :
- cream milk or milk 1% fat
- low-fat yogurt
- low cheese or nonfat
- fish
- chicken or turkey without skin
- meat sliced thinly
- grain, pasta and legume
- corn, bread
- vegetables and fruits
- margarine and oil
- jack-fruit, langsat, banana, grapes and coconut water
- groundnut
- full cream milk
- cream and ice cream
- fat's high cheese
- margarine
- meat fat
- sausage, hot dog, bologna
- animal's internal organ such as heart and pedal
- egg yolk
- coconut milk and animal fat

- walk
- aerobic
- tend a garden
- dancing
- playing sports
- playing jump rope
- avoid taking fat's high food and calories
- take food in quantity a little
- eat fruits and vegetables as snack
- burn, boil and roast your food
- doing physical activity every day