I has been watched this movie yesterday with epu, abon, along, zaha and din. Thanks guys because accompany me to watch this movie. Actually I didn't know how to show up my feeling about the adventures of lovers Bella (Kirsten Stewart) and vampire Edward (Robert Pattinson) in Eclipse because it has many part that was pretty good!OMG!I love that!
It's a great look, especially the desaturated colours for much of the villains activities and uses high angle shots, pans, extreme close-ups and ‘shaky cam’ for the most creative camera work of the saga. good job man!hehe.
Actually I'm not watching at all and only some of the part like an opening vampire attack, scene with vampires coming out of a river and others move, due to preoccupied epu make joke!!he disturbed me to watch this movie!can you imagine when Jacob turns into a wolf and had some noise and another acts, epu do same like that!urgh!can you stop doing other humors dear?you make my stomach blow up!
Anyway I really enjoyed watched but maybe is not my favourite film if compared with their two previous film. I guess Eclipse had some negatives part more than before. You know that.hehe :) But others acting was pretty good. One more thing, i quiet love Edward because of his attitude but I do really love Jacob's body?haha!
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I has been watched this movie yesterday with epu, abon, along, zaha and din. Thanks guys because accompany me to watch this movie. Actually I didn't know how to show up my feeling about the adventures of lovers Bella (Kirsten Stewart) and vampire Edward (Robert Pattinson) in Eclipse because it has many part that was pretty good!OMG!I love that!
It's a great look, especially the desaturated colours for much of the villains activities and uses high angle shots, pans, extreme close-ups and ‘shaky cam’ for the most creative camera work of the saga. good job man!hehe.
Actually I'm not watching at all and only some of the part like an opening vampire attack, scene with vampires coming out of a river and others move, due to preoccupied epu make joke!!he disturbed me to watch this movie!can you imagine when Jacob turns into a wolf and had some noise and another acts, epu do same like that!urgh!can you stop doing other humors dear?you make my stomach blow up!
Anyway I really enjoyed watched but maybe is not my favourite film if compared with their two previous film. I guess Eclipse had some negatives part more than before. You know that.hehe :) But others acting was pretty good. One more thing, i quiet love Edward because of his attitude but I do really love Jacob's body?haha!