being a survivor
Friday, August 13, 2010 | 8:40 PM | 2 comments
I'm just love to waste time and procrastinate.
Why do something now that I can pretend doesn’t exist till tomorrow?
Why not spend countless hours in front of the boob tube or playing video games?
The answer is simple organization and preparation. The more shit that piles up, ultimately me are that less productive as a person.haha!
I also see this at my collage all the time student wait until the very last minutes to get tasks accomplished and their day quickly becomes a lackluster of horrors. Lecturer gave us something a month, a week ago that is due tomorrow and bammo…!emergency happens and the time we thought we were going to use to finish the task is now gone.
The best thing I should do at my collage and my life is to tackle things as I get them. Okay! Now I get a billion exercise and note that has to write but I love to waste time with this! Now on,
take a few hours and get handed a task,
start work on it immediately,
I have a chore, do it now la eqa oii!
Oh!please la eqa, don’t wait until there is a stack.
Maybe from this I will quickly see that all of this organization and lack of procrastination will result in two magical things happening, the first being my stress level will drop tremendously, the second is I will have more free time.yeahh! I'm very sure about that!