Oh My Gosh!I've finished my first semester!Seriously rasa macam sekejap sangat! but I've never got my best partner yet = ="
Yeah, life has been treating me well, never perfect, never is, nor it will ever be. But lately I loss my appetite, I don't know why, maybe life in college are tiring ? Seriously when I lied about going to bed, I keep tossing and turning sebab dalam kepala imagine subject yang baru lepas study, memorize all the things that might be came out in final then I only sleep around 2am and sometime until 4am = ="
But, Hey! yesterday I went back to my home because I'm officially in my semester break and being like I initially planned to work with Maxis, kerja sama macam lepas aku habis poly dulu ^^ Cuti ni nak kumpul untuk semester depan pula, bukan ayah aku tak boleh tanggung cuma aku nak kurangkan beban perbelanjaan dekat sana, tak nak susahkan dia :)
Dan sekarang aku dah ketagih dengan Plants vs. Zombies. Lama dah dapat game ni dari roommate aku tapi as I said before life in college are tiring, tak ada masa nak main game tapi ada masa pula nak tengok Facebook or Twitter XP Okay itu haruslah tengok, HEHE
One more thing, masa study week hari tu aku sangat tertekan mengadap bahan-bahan ilmiah untuk final aku so penawar nak hilangkan rasa bosan, tertekan ni aku selalulah tengok semua sekali video matlutfi, seriously aku download semua video dia ? okay dia hensem, cute. Ada message yang hendak disampaikan pada penonton yang ternyata tersampai dekat aku :)
Kenapa banyak-banyak video dia yang ni aku paling minat ? Sebab first aku tengok bagi aku sedikit kesedaran and muka matlufti paling cute sekali dalam video ni antara video-video dia yang lain. HAHA!
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Hello,I'm Nurul Afiqah Nabilah. 23 years old.Student Bachelor of Accountancy,UPM.I ♥♥ to buying stuffs especially girls things. sweett♥♥
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I don't express my feeling well.
Can be quite shy too ^?^ .
I have a very Hot-temper and
I rely on my friends a lot.
Doesn't talk a lot.
I don't have a lot of things to say, I listen and nod.
There's nothing I know much.
I ♥♥ taking photos and my DSLR too.
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Blog Best.
heyy! I ♥♥ blogwalking too, why? why? because there have many information
for me to read them or something can guide me into my life. ohh my! I'm so adorable with them :
Oh My Gosh!I've finished my first semester!Seriously rasa macam sekejap sangat! but I've never got my best partner yet = ="
Yeah, life has been treating me well, never perfect, never is, nor it will ever be. But lately I loss my appetite, I don't know why, maybe life in college are tiring ? Seriously when I lied about going to bed, I keep tossing and turning sebab dalam kepala imagine subject yang baru lepas study, memorize all the things that might be came out in final then I only sleep around 2am and sometime until 4am = ="
But, Hey! yesterday I went back to my home because I'm officially in my semester break and being like I initially planned to work with Maxis, kerja sama macam lepas aku habis poly dulu ^^ Cuti ni nak kumpul untuk semester depan pula, bukan ayah aku tak boleh tanggung cuma aku nak kurangkan beban perbelanjaan dekat sana, tak nak susahkan dia :)
Dan sekarang aku dah ketagih dengan Plants vs. Zombies. Lama dah dapat game ni dari roommate aku tapi as I said before life in college are tiring, tak ada masa nak main game tapi ada masa pula nak tengok Facebook or Twitter XP Okay itu haruslah tengok, HEHE
One more thing, masa study week hari tu aku sangat tertekan mengadap bahan-bahan ilmiah untuk final aku so penawar nak hilangkan rasa bosan, tertekan ni aku selalulah tengok semua sekali video matlutfi, seriously aku download semua video dia ? okay dia hensem, cute. Ada message yang hendak disampaikan pada penonton yang ternyata tersampai dekat aku :)
Kenapa banyak-banyak video dia yang ni aku paling minat ? Sebab first aku tengok bagi aku sedikit kesedaran and muka matlufti paling cute sekali dalam video ni antara video-video dia yang lain. HAHA!