Yeah, life is good right now, it distracts me from being overly thinking about college, books, tests, studies and the thing that I want to mention here is overly thinking about this guy.
YUP someone that I meet in UPM. Not my special mate at all but I thought we both can be the studies mate ? I guess. Sebab aku ingat nak dia tolong ajarkan aku, cakap senior ? But I made the mistake, it is not happened yet, never and ever.and you leave me away even though you said NO to me. Okay STOP. I get it. By the way, thanks for your notes, your EVERY SINGLE words and everything along we become a friend before this, THANKS A LOT and sorry.
Perhaps I am the one who is delusional. Wishful thinking ? Who knows ?
I'm just tired. overly, seriously, dead, tired. All I want right now is to sleep and wake up at 11 o'clock in the morning HAHA XP and stay inside my room for the rest of the day while watching youtube every single time, download. LOL.
I pretty much just want times for myself. Something miracle happen to me when almost a week I never ever come out from my house. Weird.
No car, no hang out, no friends, no boyfriend, no everyone.
Just my bed, foods, cake, laptop, laptop, laptop and laptop again!
Oh, cakap pasal cake. Last week I bake a rainbow cake. Nyam-Nyam. I wish I can more better in baking :)
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Hello,I'm Nurul Afiqah Nabilah. 23 years old.Student Bachelor of Accountancy,UPM.I ♥♥ to buying stuffs especially girls things. sweett♥♥
The Webmaster
I don't express my feeling well.
Can be quite shy too ^?^ .
I have a very Hot-temper and
I rely on my friends a lot.
Doesn't talk a lot.
I don't have a lot of things to say, I listen and nod.
There's nothing I know much.
I ♥♥ taking photos and my DSLR too.
Complete 50DAY diet plan Drop body fat by the end of 2013 2nd Dean high confidence level Polaroid One Step Rainbow Ipod Apple external Speedlight SB-700 50mm Nikon Lens Mini Cooper Clubman
Blog Best.
heyy! I ♥♥ blogwalking too, why? why? because there have many information
for me to read them or something can guide me into my life. ohh my! I'm so adorable with them :
Yeah, life is good right now, it distracts me from being overly thinking about college, books, tests, studies and the thing that I want to mention here is overly thinking about this guy.
YUP someone that I meet in UPM. Not my special mate at all but I thought we both can be the studies mate ? I guess. Sebab aku ingat nak dia tolong ajarkan aku, cakap senior ? But I made the mistake, it is not happened yet, never and ever.and you leave me away even though you said NO to me. Okay STOP. I get it. By the way, thanks for your notes, your EVERY SINGLE words and everything along we become a friend before this, THANKS A LOT and sorry.
Perhaps I am the one who is delusional. Wishful thinking ? Who knows ?
I'm just tired. overly, seriously, dead, tired. All I want right now is to sleep and wake up at 11 o'clock in the morning HAHA XP and stay inside my room for the rest of the day while watching youtube every single time, download. LOL.
I pretty much just want times for myself. Something miracle happen to me when almost a week I never ever come out from my house. Weird.
No car, no hang out, no friends, no boyfriend, no everyone.
Just my bed, foods, cake, laptop, laptop, laptop and laptop again!
Oh, cakap pasal cake. Last week I bake a rainbow cake. Nyam-Nyam. I wish I can more better in baking :)