Sunday, April 1, 2012 | 12:38 PM | 1 comments
Time really flies
nowadays. I didn't realize that it's already the first of April 2012!
Honestly I'm starting to feel 24 hours a day is not enough but still I
can procrastinate. So many things to accomplish, so many people to
please, and yet nothing feels like it's completely settled.
My new
semester already start 2 month ago but I was figure out like I'm stuck in the middle of everything, yeahh! so many things in my mind plus something happen again in this semester. Yup, knew a guy that I have been met in my curriculum classes and I didn't know whether he will give me a good feedback or not soon. I hope so, just flow it through my heart and the rest let go to Allah s.w.t, InsyaAllah.
Anyway, this few month I bought a lot of books from Books Fair yang bersepah-sepah macam cendawan tumbuh lepas hujan. Mata meliar mencari-cari buku yang bakal menjadi idaman hati. And honestly I'm not a lover of books especially novel Melayu! SERIOUSLY no way, but now I trained my self to love reading especially English Novel and some books that can motivate myself. Although I take a very small step by reading very light material but it
really help me to suitable myself in this new situation which usually if
I'm not doing anything, I'm off to bed. Tapi sayang, I due lack of time and I'm starting to neglect those novels and start doing a lot of assignment, need to study and so on. Maybe I'll successfully finish my reading on semester break. HAHA!